Precipitation rate varies for all sprinkler hoses, systems and zones. You can measure the sprinkler precipitation rate of your irrigation device to more accurately determine how long you need to water.
There is a simple test you can perform to determine your sprinkler precipitation rate. Place a rain gauge or straight-edged “tuna” can around the sprinkler. Run the sprinkler for 15 minutes. Measure the amount of water in the can with a ruler. Multiply your results by 4. This is your hourly precipitation rate for that zone, or irrigation device.
If your irrigation system is low volume, you may have to run it for 30 minutes and then multiply by 2, to get your hourly rate.
Multiple “catch” cans may be used, and the results averaged, for increased accuracy. This is especially useful when measuring on a slope or hill side.
Enter your precipitation rate in inches per hour.
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For fast service, fill out this form for a free, no obligation lawn analysis. You don’t have to be home for your analysis. The professionals from Real Green Pest and Lawn will take a look at your lawn and leave all of our findings conveniently at your front door.
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Real Green’s lawn service is customized to your lawn with professional grade products and fight the tough, drought related weeds, lawn-damaging bugs and disease while providing a nutrient-rich diet and water saving products to thicken and green up your lawn. No more messy fertilizer and chemical storage. No more concerns about burning your yard. You water and mow, we’ll do the rest.
Real Green Services are known for our great service and low prices throughout Austin and the Central Texas area. We currently service all of Austin and a large portion of the Central Texas area, please call us if you have any questions!
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