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Turfgrass Pathology for Austin, TX

List of Lawn Diseases for
Central TX

  • Turfgrass Disease Images [U. of Guelph (Ontario)]
  • Major Diseases of Turf Grasses in Western Canada [Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development]
  • Diagnosing Common Northern Lawn Diseases [University of Maryland]
  • Maryland Turfgrass Disease Control Recommendations
  • Disease-like Problems on Turfgrasses [NCSU TurfFiles]
  • Diseases of Tall Fescue [NCSU TurfFiles]
  • Diseases of Warm-Season Grasses [NCSU TurfFiles]
  • Diseases of Turfgrass on Athletic Fields [NCSU TurfFiles]
  • Diseases of Bentgrass [NSCU TurfFiles]
  • Diseases of Turfgrass on Athletic Fields [North Carolina]
  • Soil Fertility, pH and Diseases of Turfgrasses [IPM Alabama]
  • Management of Turfgrass Pests [Ohio State Ext]
  • Turf Tips [Purdue U.] Indiana]
  • Managing Lawn Diseases [Purdue U.]
  • Microscopic Identification Key for Turfgrass Diseases [University of Wisconsin-Maidson]
  • Turfgrass Disease Diagnostic Laboratory [University of Wisconsin-Maidson]
  • Molecular Methods for Identification of Turfgrass Pathogens [University of Wisconsin-Extension]
  • Plant Health Services [University of Wisconsin-Madison]
  • Plant Disease Management Information [Agri. Electronic Bulletin Board, Missouri]
  • Turfgrass Disease Management [U of Missouri-Columbia]
  • Plant Disease Management Information [U. of Missouri Extension Docs.]
  • Plant Diseases [Nebraska extension titles]
  • Extension Plant Pathology [Kansas State Extension Docs]
  • Watering Turfgrass and Disease Potential: Leaf Wetness [Colorado Ext. Doc.]
  • Disease Control in Home Lawns EB0938 (Revision November 1994) [WSU Extension]
  • IPM Prescriptions for Some Common Diseases of Ornamental Plants and Turfgrasses [Oregon]
  • Guidelines: Pests of Turfgrass [UC Davis Ext. Doc.]
  • Texas Plant Disease Handbook
  • Diseases of Turfgrass [APSnet] The American Phytopathological Society]
  • Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Forage Crop Diseases [Japan]
  • Biological Control – Plant Pathology Internet Guide Book [PPIG] U. of Bonn, Germany]
  • The Plant Pathology Internet Guide Book [U. of Bonn, Germany]
  • Anthracnose [UC IPM]
  • Bipolaris & Exserohilum (Helminthosporium) Diseases [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
  • Brownpatch [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
  • Culvalaria Blight [UC IPM]
  • Dollar Spot [UC Davis]
  • Dollar Spot [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
  • Biological Control of Dollar Spot Disease in Turf
  • Fairy Ring- A Problem of Turfgrass[CSU Coop Extension]
  • Fairy Rings [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
  • Fusarium Patch [UC Davis]
  • Fusarium Blight [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
  • Gray Leaf Spot on St.Augustinegrass [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
  • Karnal Bunt on Oregon Ryegrass Seed [Amer. Seed Trade Assoc.]
  • Leaf Blotch [UC Davis]
  • Leaf Spot [UC Davis]
  • Loose Smut [UC Davis]
  • Mushrooms, Puffballs, Fairy Rings, and Slime Molds [NebGuide]
  • Nigrospora Stolon Rot [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
  • Fungicide, Biological, and Cultural Practices Evaluations for Control of Pink and Gray Snow Molds [U of Wisconsin-Extension]
  • Powdery Mildew [UC IPM]
  • Powdery Mildew [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
  • Pythium Blight [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
  • Red Thread [UC IPM]
  • Rust [Gov. of Alberta]
  • Rust [UC Davis]
  • Rust Disease [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
  • Rhizoctonia [New Mexico State U]
  • St. Augustine Decline [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
  • Seedling Diseases [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
  • Sclerotium Blight [UC Davis]
  • Spring Dead Spot in Bermudagrass [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
  • Summer Patch Disease on Lawn Grasses [University of Maryland]
  • Summer Patch and Necrotic Ring Spot [NebGuide]
  • Summer Patch [New Mexico State U]
  • Stripe Smut Disease of Turfgrass [Nebguide]
  • Stripe Smut [UC Davis]
  • Take-All Patch [UC Davis]
  • Take-all Patch (Bermuda Decline) [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
  • Position Statement of the American Phytopathological Society on the Use of Quarantines for Wheat Karnal Bunt

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